Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Serbia

About the project

Project “Renewable Energy for Smart Growth and Protected Environment”

Project number CB007.2.32.046

Project partners:

Vidin chamber of commerce and industry

Regional Development Agency Eastern Serbia

About the project:

The main project objective is to increase capacity and to improve awareness on environment issues like renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency to the target groups: SME’s, local authorities, environmental organizations and institutions, general public.

Project activities:

  • Kick-of conferences to familiarize the target groups with the project and its activities
  • Elaborating and printing Handbooks on Renewable Energies best practices
  • Elaboration of 4 promotional movies on Renewable Energies 
  • Organising 6 Promotional workshops on the theme “Introducing Renewable Energy as a tool for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in Vidin – Zajecar region”. 
  • Organization of trainings on Renewable Energy
  • Two traveling workshops for the purpose of visiting sites for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources and exchanging good practices
  • Developing Study “Policy recommendations for introducing Renewable energy in Vidin – Zajecar region”.
  • Renewable Energy Forum

Target Groups:

Companies, organizations and professionals in the field of energy and environment, Representatives of the local authorities, owners of the renewable energy facilities and other stakeholders.

Project results:

The representatives of target groups will:

  • Build capacities for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources,
  • Perceive Renewable Energy as a tool for environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources,                                  
  • Become familiar with best practices in selected renewable energy topics.

Project resources:

Project partners: